RECYCLING Or A Product Made To Be Recycled?

Article Author: Güven Sancak

Problems such as more production facilities, decrease in natural resources and environmental pollution have become our priority agenda for all over the world. In this context, recycling applications aimed more importance day by day.

The second most polluting business line is textile after the oil sector. Consumed textiles produce tons of waste every day. It can take hundreds of years for plastic or polyester to fully degrade, depending on various factors such as ambient temperature, exposure to sunlight and so on. Therefore, we must have some consumption habits that we should adopt in order to leave a more livable world to future generations with environmental awareness.

We can list them as reduce, reuse, recycle. This slogan is close to perfect, short, cannot be misunderstood and a pleasant timbre, isn’t it? Even for a few pieces of furniture are produced in the amount of 20 tons and more of water. In addition, when fabrics are transformed into furniture, unpredictable levels of chemicals, materials and energy are consumed. Fabric and yarn dyeing applications also cause a high rate of chemicals to be.